Digital Story Project

I’ve blogged many times about family travel in the outdoors, most specifically multigenerational family travel. The title Travel Tales seems to fit nicely as a tag for these family adventures. So, in May 2020, as part of Dr. Shannon Carter’s English 611 “Writing for Digital Media” course at Texas A&M Commerce, her students were tasked with creating a Digital Story. This was the perfect opportunity to give new wings to the “Multi-Gen Travel Tales” blogs.

Multi-generational travel in the Pacific Northwest. Ruby Beach and the mighty Pacific provide a natural playground

The motives for telling this story begin with our family’s love of nature and being in the outdoors together. Starting with my Grandma Anna Katherine (A.K.) Heinzelmann and my family’s adventures in the Pacific Northwest, for over 50 years, I’ve chronicled our time together along the Pacific Ocean, Olympic National Forest, Vancouver, Canada, and many wild places in between. I hope this video motivates and inspires people to travel to and care for our natural treasures.

The methodology used for this project were A.K. and my parents’ photos. I’ve also used my own photos, videos, maps, magazines, books, and personal paintings in the digital story.

The equipment used were My Apple MacBook Pro 15″ and Apple iMovie were utilized to bring the story together. Music from plays as the background music, and my voice is used for the voice overs. All credits are shown at the end of the video.